Sunday 15 September 2013

Mole West, Neusiedl am See, Austria

Mole West is a restaurant which is very popular during summer. It is about a 40 minute drive away from Vienna located in Neusiedl which is also not far from the airport.

Sunset at Mole West

When tying to reserve a table there, one has to reserve at least a week in advance in order to get a table on the weekend. You can always arrive and just wait to get a table. The waiters at the restaurant are mostly Hungarians or Slovakians and do not speak proper German and most probably English. We did get a table outside. The scenery is picturesque and it is also a nice place to just sit by the lake and have a drink at.

Smoked duck breast with beetroot and truffles

As a starter we had the smoked duck breast with beetroot and truffles. This was delicious and a very interesting combination of tastes.

Mole West Fish sticks
We also ordered the fish sticks, which are a signature dish of this restaurant. They contain salmon, scallop, tuna fish with a sesame crust and a giant prawn in potato stripes.

Lobster tortelloni with egg plant puree and trout caviar
We ordered different dishes as main courses. We ordered the lobster tortellini. This dish was presented very well and was sensational in taste. The tortelloni themselves were quite modest in size.

Wild meat with potato croquettes, vegetable and dates rolled in bacon
I ordered the wild meat with potato croquettes, vegetables and dates rolled in bacon. This was absolutely delicious. The meat was tender in its sauce and the combination with the truffles and vegetables was a revelation.

Cooked lamb with rosemary carrots and home made tagliatelle
We also had the cooked lamb with rosemary carrots and home made tagliatelle. This was also an excellent dish. The wine we chose to accompany these meat dishes was a very good Austrian cuvée, the Bela Rex from Gesellmann.

Bela Rex is a cuvée of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. This wine reminds you of a Bourdeaux wine rather than Burgenland.

Cottage cheese nougat Knödel with raspberry sauce 

We had a typically Austrian desert, the cottage cheese nougat Knödel with raspberry sauce. They were simply delicious and a perfect conclusion of a great meal.

Crème caramel with pistachio ice cream
We also had crème caramel with pistachio ice cream and Powidltascheln. Powidl Taschen is a plum filled desert similar to the Knödel. It was so delicious that we did not manage to take a picture fast enough.

Overall, this restaurant's quality is very good. The scenery is very nice. It is a great hangout on a nice summer day or summer evening with a great sunset. The service is not very good. We asked for a table inside, which was not possible at the time we came and was also not given to us after tables were free. They did give us blankets outside though. This is a place everyone wants to visit anyways, which is why the staff does not try very hard. The food, the location and presentation is very nice. The service staff seems to be seasonal and could be majorly improved. The prices are on the higher side for an Austrian restaurant. For us it was a nice experience with our friends who came to visit Vienna.

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