Saturday 14 July 2012


One of the cities you have to see in Italy is Pisa. The main reason, or maybe the only reason to visit this city is seeing the leaning tower of Pisa.

Road towards the tower

When you arrive by car, it is rather difficult to park. There are parking lots but they are quite far away. We did manage to park somewhere not too far away from the tower in the end.

Leaning tower of Pisa

There are crowds in front of the tower like at any important site in Italy. You can also go up but we did not do that. It would probably have taken quite long to queue up and get a ticket but the thought of walking up a leaning tower is not the most inviting for me personally. 

We basically walked around the overcrowded main square with the tower where we took pictures like everybody else. Most people took pictures trying to show that they are pushing the towers. At first you walk around seeing people making weird gestures pushing out their hands. Later you see what they are actually up to.

As for the rest of the city, there is not very much to see. There are a couple of restaurants and cafes near the tower. They are all terrible. We tried to walk around and find a small restaurant to eat. The service was terrible and the food was not edible. So we left without finishing the meal. When leaving, walking down the road from the tower you have to beware of gypsies and various others trying to steel. They come in groups of up to ten. We were specially warned about this in the souvenir shops. Overall, this is a city you can visit in order to take a couple of pictures. You can then have a coffee and some water at the most and leave for your next destination. 

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